Exceed Stretch Codes with Assembled U-Factors as low as 0.24 with 1” IGUs LEARN MORE

Exceed Stretch Codes with Assembled U-Factors as low as 0.24 with 1” IGUs LEARN MORE

Energy Savings

Calculate Your Savings


Our Energy Savings Calculator will provide you with an estimate of the savings you will receive with our systems. By entering in your project information, your location, and system performance information, you will see your potential savings in carbon dioxide and energy costs east year.  

Terms & Conditions

By using the Energy Cost Savings Tool (the “Tool”), you agree that the Tool is proprietary information of FreMarq Innovations, Inc. (the “Company”) and that the Tool shall be and shall forever remain the property of the Company. You agree that you will not (a) disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, reproduce or alter the Tool nor permit any third party to do so; (b) copy the Tool; (c) modify or create derivative works based upon the Tool; (d) attempt to delete, disable, or otherwise circumvent any security measures implemented by the Company with respect to the Tool; or (e) assist, permit, or authorize any third party entity to perform any of the activities prohibited above.

Based on 25,000 ft2 of glazing, when comparing our Zero•Net™ system to a competitive product,

In COLD climates (St Paul, MN) you can expect to see:
• Energy cost savings of $21,000 per year in heating and cooling expenses (does not include up-front HVAC cost)
• Greenhouse gas reduction of >155 tons of CO2 per year
• NFRC Condensation Resistance of >75
• Usable floor space is increased by 3ft around the entire perimeter based on acceptable occupant comfort thresholds

In WARM climates (Phoenix, AZ)
• Energy cost savings of $40,500 per year in heating and cooling expenses (does not include up-front HVAC cost)
• Greenhouse gas reduction of >280 tons of CO2 per year


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